Monday, June 28, 2010

The New Place

Here are some pictures of our new apartment. Open invitation to all of our friends and family out there, we would love for you to visit and see it in person!! :)
**These pictures were taken before we moved all of our stuff in... as of now there are a lot of boxes lying around.**

Entry way.
The living room is to the left and the bedroom and bathroom are to the right. That is a coat closet immediately to the left.


Bedroom- my closet is on the right and Alex's is on the left. He is a little jealous that I got the larger one.... even though he definitely has more clothes than me. Depressing to admit that...

View from the bedroom looking west.
View of the living room from the kitchen (sorry its a little dark).
So that is pretty much the place. Maybe I'll update it again once we get "real furniture" aka no more futon!! haha

1 comment:

Standeford Stories said...

Wow! I love it...and I have plans to stay in that very nice place right around July 17th! :) Excited and can't wait to see it in person....1 more month-call me if you're feeling stressed! Miss you guys!