Monday, December 28, 2009

New Blog Header

I have to give a huge shout out to our pal Roxanne for making and designing our new blog header.... we love it!!
Thanks Rox!! I would say you should make a career out of it.... but I have a feeling Mr. Standeford wouldn't like that!

In other news, we are back in L-town. Its been great getting together with everybody and seeing all of our families. We are meeting up with the boys tonight to watch the Bears game.
Christmas was great! We went to 4 different Christmas celebrations this year, I think that's a new record for us. We were very fortunate this Christmas and received some wonderful things (thanks to our families). Its funny because this year we started receiving gifts that are meant for the 2 of us.... so its not just mine or his anymore- its OUR'S! haha
Wedding planning has kicked up a notch since we have been back. I met with the florist and cake decorator last week. I've also been diligently working on our picture slideshow that we will play at the wedding. It has been so much fun going through old picts, scanning, and arranging them in the slideshow, just one more reason why I love this computer (thanks LBC!)

In case I don't blog before the new year... Happy New Year!
2010 is going to be a big one for us!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

It is officially vacation

Yes! The time has come for both of us to get a break from our busy day to day lives. Alex just finished up his finals on Friday, and I sent my kiddos off for a 2 week break from school (with a little homework to keep them practicing their reading). I know, I know.... sooo mean, but its expected at my school. I can't tell you how much I've been needing this break. Of course the majority of it is packed full with things, but honestly that's the way I like it.
We're heading back home on Tuesday for the holidays, so we will spend most of the break in good ole' L-town. Then for New Years we are heading down to southern IN to stay with Rox, Jake, El, and Ryan in a cabin for a few nights.
I also plan on getting some things done for the wedding such as meeting with a florist and someone about the cake. Hopefully those will be 2 things I can check off of my list here shortly. Really the only big thing left is the honeymoon. We're still struggling with this because we want to get a good deal, but at the same time we're a little nervous about what to book since neither of us have ever planned and paid for a vacation in another country before. We don't really know what to look for or how much it should cost. I think we'll be getting a travel agent to help us out with this process. Maybe that will be another thing we can do while back at home....
Amazingly enough the winter weather hasn't been too bad up here for us..... yet. It snowed some today, but not too much. It was more like the wet, slushy, messy snow (yuck). I'll be happier when spring is here. :)
We hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season!