Sunday, January 29, 2012

I've Been a Bad Blogger

So sorry to all of you who check in on us regularly to see what we've been up to. I promise we are still here... I've just been neglecting our little blog.
So, to make the past 2 months short and sweet, here are some bullet points:
  • Christmas- We went back to Indiana for the holidays. Like always, it was super busy, but we got to see most of our family and friends as well. I even got to spend some quality time with Brandy and sweet Baby Kayleigh, I miss those girls!
  • NYE- We rang in the New Year with our dear friends the Standefords (all 3 of them). A few pictures below.
  • Kirsten turns 5! January 7th was Kirsten's (our soon to be niece) birthday. I can't believe she is already 5! When we first met her she was about to turn 2.... its been so neat getting to see her grow into the wonderful little person she is.
  • Bulls Game- Alex and I went to our first Bulls game! It was so fun! I've been to 1 Pacers game in the past, but NBA games are really fun! I like that they have a faster pace (last about 2 hours) and there is a lot of entertainment during the entire thing- especially by Benny the Bull.
  • Extended Day- When we returned to school about 3 weeks ago we started our extended day schedule. We've added 30 minutes to our school day. This has been a big deal in Chicago because CPS has the shortest school day in the country. Now, I don't work for a CPS school, so our school day was the typical 7 hours (with kids), but they were offering all schools, even charters an incentive to add time to their day... so we took it. It was an adjustment at first, but I'm used to it now. However, when the kids get home I'm sure they are exhausted... I know I am!
  • That's about it for us. We really don't have too much going on in the near future, its been nice being able to relax a little more on the weekends and not running around everywhere!
Picture Time!

Visiting the Standefords!

Happy, Happy Birthday!

Bulls Game