Sunday, March 20, 2011

My latest obsessions...

Oatmeal! Weird right? I have never been much of an oatmeal person, but I guess I am now. And... its a super food, right Rox? So, I guess its a good food to be obsessed with. I make it at home a lot, I like to mix different fruits in (apple, banana, blueberries, and dried cranberries so far). I've also gotten it at McDonald's a few times, and its pretty good there. I know they sweeten it, but I figure its better than eating an egg McMuffin.

Glee, yes I've jumped on that bandwagon, but it really is a funny and entertaining show. Alex even watches it with me each week. I don't know if he'll ever admit it, but I think he likes it too.

Resistance bands, I've had these for awhile, but have just recently gotten back into using them. We are starting a "Biggest Loser" competition at work, so I'm trying to exercise more. Not necessarily looking to lose weight, just tone up more. haha Plus, with summer coming up that's always good motivation. Now with the Biggest Loser thing at work, monetary motivation is in it now too. Everyone chips in $20 at the beginning, and the winning team will share the jackpot.

Looking at apartments, which is definitely the most frustrating on the list so far. We know we want a bigger place (2 bedroom, in unit washer/ dryer, patio would be nice, parking spot, and allows dogs- since this is something we are seriously considering) all for less than we are paying now for our one bedroom. So, since we know these things are not possible in our current neighborhood, we are looking in other parts of the city. Mainly west of where we are and a little further south. We really like the West Loop, but this can be pricey, River West, Noble Square perhaps... I really like where we are now, convenient to the highway/ LSD, the train, downtown, restaurants, shops, etc. But, that's also why its a bit pricey. I don't want to go any further north because of my commute to work, so we aren't really looking at any of those areas. So we will see! Our lease isn't up until July 1, but the closer we get the more anxious I get not knowing where we will end up.

Next week we are heading home for the first time since mid- January. We're going down to Plainfield to meet Miss Nora! Sooo excited!
Hope everyone has a great week.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Just a bunch of Randomness

Today is the day when all of Chicago dresses in green and basically goes crazy. The St. Patrick's Day parade will be starting here soon and I believe they are dyeing the river around 10:00 am. However, the weather is... less than favorable- so I think we are going to stick around the apt. I know lame... but I am such a homebody, I'm perfectly content with it. So, instead of joining in the festivities, we are going to... do our taxes! How fun!! (Enter sarcastic voice here). However, its all worth it if and when you get that refund check!
I guess we really haven't been up to much- just work and work. I have parent teacher conferences in the next few weeks, but spring break is still pretty far off, not until the week of April 18. No real plans for that though.
We haven't been home since January, so we are planning a trip back the last weekend in March to see our parents and meet Baby Nora... who has yet to make her debut into the world... hopefully tomorrow/ early Monday though!!
We have been thinking about wanting to take a vacation this summer to Florida or around that area. We were planning on doing this with our families (renting a house and everything, but that had to be pushed back to next summer). We're thinking sometime in July.
Well, I guess that's enough random info for everyone.
Enjoy your week!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Cousin Kaitlyn

This past weekend I went to LaPorte to meet my new cousin Kaitlyn. It was so great getting to see the fam and of course our newest addition. She is sooo cute and such a good baby. Barely made a peep. Below are some pictures from the day...

Yummy and totally awesome cake! Isn't that amazing?? All they did was take in the napkin, and this is what they did.

Proud parents
I was a little nervous.... little ones scare me! haha

Sooo cute!

Mom helping out

And of course, Little Miss. She showed up looking like Pippi Longstocking. haha
Always great getting to see her and Shan.

3 days until Rox's due date! Ahhhh!! Soooo excited for her and Jake. We CAN'T wait to meet Nora! (I'm sure they're pretty excited too). :)
So glad its the weekend- I need a few days to re-coop. I feel like its been a long week.
Enjoy your weekend.