Sunday, February 27, 2011

We've Got Talent

Well, at least my co-workers and I do.
Friday night, my school network had their annual talent show. Each school sends two student acts, plus a faculty act. Being a team player.... I volunteered to be a part of the faculty act. We did a variety type act with speaking and dancing. Basically our theme was patriotism because my school is known as the Veterans Memorial Campus. So, our speaking parts told the history of our mascot (the wildcat)... not the animal, but the 81st Infantry from WWII. Then three of my colleagues did a tap dance to "The Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy of Company B", and then the rest of us did a military type dance to the White Stripes "Seven Nation Army".
We had practice after school a few times each week since the beginning of January, so needless to say.... we were kind of dedicated. haha
I was pretty impressed with the talent some of the kids and teachers had! Our biggest competition was from the network's newest school. Their music teacher and a few others took Justin Bieber's "Baby" and re-wrote all of the lyrics to be about their school.... it was really good... and really funny!
But, they ended up getting 3rd place.... and WE WON!!! Ahhhh!! haha I think we won because our act was a little educational, school spirited, and we had about 15 faculty members in it (they like that). On top of that, one of our student acts won as well! My school cleaned up pretty well that night. We had a lot of fun!! (Sorry I don't have any picts yet, I fully expect to get an e-mail with several attached here soon.)
Here in a few minutes I'm heading to LaPorte for my cousin's baby shower. Kaitlyn was born about 2 months ago, but we decided to do it afterwards so everyone can meet her. I'm excited b/c I haven't been able to see her yet, and my mom is always bragging about how often she sees her. haha
Speaking of babies though... I seriously know about 11 babies that are going to be born this year! Craziness! But, the most recent was our dear friend Rachael (who lives in Texas) she just gave birth to her son Noah. We are soooo excited for them. AND... Rox is about to go any day now, we are so pumped to meet baby Nora! Brandy is due in June, Alex's cousin is due in July, Ellen is due in Sept.... I'm on baby overload! haha But, its fun and I haven't ever really been around a lot of babies, other than the 32 I'm with all day, but that's a little different-so I'm excited!
Well, I'm off to the shower. Hope everyone enjoys the last few days of February. Spring is on its way... soon I hope!

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