Monday, April 11, 2011

♫ They Say Its Your Birthday... ♫

April means birthdays to me.... and lots of them!
Last weekend my family threw my grandma a surprise 80th birthday party, we had a blast! This past December her beloved little teacup poodle, Mariah passed away. So, we all decided to chip in towards "the puppy fund" as her present; she will soon have a four legged addition to her house. :)
Shannon made her this awesome DVD of pictures... she actually uploaded them to Walgreens, and they did an awesome job if anyone is ever in need of a picture slideshow/ movie.

Below are some pictures from the day.

Another fabulous cake. This is from the same place that did the baby shower. Again, all they took in was a napkin.... so cool!
Posing with her mega-wine glass. haha
It literally took 4 tries to get a picture- I was cracking up!
Oh yes, and that is definitely boxed wine in our cups!

After the party Al and I decided to take a stroll over to the lake. We don't take advantage of our location enough. This is a picture from the North Avenue Beach. I managed to get all three of the big ones: Hancock, Trump, and Willis (Sears).

My lovely "Little Mermaid" themed cake from my student's mother. She is sooo sweet to me. It was chocolate, vanilla, with a strawberry center. Yum-O!!

To celebrate my day, Alex took me out to dinner and he got me a fancy bottle of perfume. Ooh, la, la. I got a lot of phone calls, cards in the mail, and my students really made a big deal out of it at school. It was a great way to welcome in the other half of my twenties.

Happy early birthday to both Brandy and Rox! It is definitely a full month.

Spring break is in one more week.... I'm really in need of a little R and R.

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