Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Jam Packed Christmas!

We're back from our busy weekend at home for Christmas! I think by the time we were all said and done, we attended five different Christmas'. Again, the reason I said busy weekend!
Friday night my parent's hosted Christmas Eve, Saturday morning we went straight over to Alex's mom's house for breakfast and to open presents. Later that day we went back to my parent's house to do presents with them and Christmas lunch/ dinner= linner. That night we went to Alex's uncle's house for the George family Christmas. Then Sunday morning we met up with Alex's dad and had breakfast with him and exchanged presents. Wow..... holidays when you are married are quite busy! But, we were able to manage and were really happy that all of our traveling back and forth totaled about 1 mile on 231. Yay! Below are some pictures from the weekend.

This is how we keep Josie occupied while we open presents... she gets her own present! Dingo bones, her absolute favorite!!

The game off we had with Alex's family to determine who would choose giftcards in our gift exchange first. We played 4 rounds of games: Uno, Candy Land, Sorry, and Trouble. It was really fun and everyone got in to it! Alex's mom even made it to the finals.... Jenga!
The board we used to keep track of the points.

The giftcard poster. I scored a giftcard to The Cheesecake Factory and Al got one to Best Buy. Major props to his cousin Whitney for planning out everything! It was really fun!

OMG what a surprise!! When we got back to my parent's house Saturday night after his family's Christmas we were greeted by a lovely 3 year old screaming at the top of her lungs..... Ryan, Shannon, Hunter, and Kirsten made a surprise visit!! This is Kirsty showing off her presents from Santa.

Rock Star Hunter showing off his guitar game he got from Santa. That kid has some moves!
Pops trying to be as cool as Hunter, with Kirsty and mom dancing!

The wine cooler Alex's mom got us for X-mas... along with the 6 bottles she bought us too! :) We're thinking about hosting a wine tasting party now.

New towels for our bathroom that mom and dad got us from our wedding registry.
New shower curtain.

Before we headed back on Sunday we spent some time at my cousin Chad's house and we were able to see a lot of my family on my mom's side. It was so great getting to chat and catch up with everyone. Chad and his wife Alisha are expecting their first baby (a girl) anytime now. She's technically due on Jan. 14, but we all think she's going to be here early. I know 5 babies that are expected by the end of June.... WOW!! So exciting and I can't wait to meet them all.

Thursday we are off to Connecticut and NYC. Our friend Miles, who flew out yesterday had some major issues with his flight, so I am hoping all of those things are taken care of by the time we leave. It makes me a little nervous! We're super excited to see Mere (we haven't seen her since Sept) and all of the sights of New York. Once we get back from that.... its back to school time. Its been a great break, unfortunately they always go by soooo fast!

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