Friday, October 8, 2010

Oh My!

How did I let this poor blog go neglected for soooo long! Yikes!
Well, life is definitely busy again (hence the reason why I haven't blogged). School is obviously back in session, so there goes 95% of my time. Plus, it seems like we have had something going on each weekend. Lots of visitors lately and to come- which we love and are super excited about! At this moment we are waiting for the Standefords to arrive for the weekend. We are going to the Purdue/ Northwestern game tomorrow night with them, and just hanging out and spending the weekend together. We haven't seen them since the wedding, so this is a long over due visit.
Last weekend Alex's buddies were in town, so we had an apartment full! Then.... at the end of the month Brandy and Kyle are spending the weekend up here. Kyle hasn't been up here since 5th grade, so this visit is long over due as well. haha
In other news, Alex finally received his Bar results. After a loooooong day of extreme nervousness he found out that......... HE PASSED!!!! WAHOO!!!! He was sooooo relieved. I have never seen him so worked up about something, and he was a mess! Which I don't blame him b/c I would have been much worse, but it was interesting to see him like this. Generally, he is the calm one out of the two of us. haha So, now the fun task of finding a job comes. Wish us luck!
That's about all for now. Hopefully it won't be a month and a half before I update again.

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