Wednesday, October 12, 2011


I realized a while ago I've never done a post about our one and only pet, Pablo. For those of you who have ever visited us in Chicago or ever visited one of Alex's apartments/ houses while in college- you know Pablo. If not, he's our bearded dragon of 9 years. I meant to post about him a long time ago, but forgot- sorry about that Pab!
Anyways, Pablo has been with Alex for nine years now- since Alex was a senior in high school. When he first got him he was about 5 inches (head to tail) long. Now, I'd say he's about 15 or so inches long.
This is basically what Pablo does on a daily basis.... lay around on his rock or log, eat lettuce, and poop all over his cage. Alex really hates it when he does that on his rock- not as easy to clean. On occasion, we'll get him crickets. But, we don't live near a Petsmart or anything like that, so his diet is mainly lettuce.
Every once in a while we will get him out of his cage, but not too often- he's pretty skittish.
He does shed his skin a few times a year, and this is probably the most active (other than chasing crickets) you will see Pablo. I think it itches him, so he kind of goes crazy- scratching at his cage non-stop.
As the weather gets cooler, he does some sort of a hibernation. He never did this until Alex changed the rocks in his cage to sand. I think the cool sand makes his natural instincts kick in. But, I'm not an expert- its just a guess.
However, one interesting fact about bearded dragons- they are attracted to the color yellow. Specifically neon yellow, like in hi-liters. If you hold a yellow hi-liter to his cage he will follow it around- its awesome!
On the first day of school this year (teacher meetings) we had to introduce ourselves and say an interesting fact about ourselves as well... well I don't think I have too many interesting facts, so I decided to share that my husband and I have a pet bearded dragon. It got a good laugh... :)
Here are some pictures of our beloved pet...
You know.... just hanging around.

He looks intimidating... don't let it fool you!


Standeford Stories said...

LOL, Pablo! Yo quiere taco bell? No quiero crickets!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jackie - I need your email address, can you send it my way? Thanks!

smith dot laura 10 at gmail dot com