Thursday, April 21, 2011

Spring Break

This hasn't been the most productive spring break ever, but that's okay with me.

So far I have managed to:
1. Visit Michigan City, IN twice (lake house visit with Jay's family and outlet shopping with a friend that I work with).
2. Watch A LOT of HGTV and it always makes me want to buy and decorate a house (Alex doesn't like it when I watch HGTV for this exact reason haha)
3. Check e-mail and facebook waaaaaay too often
4. Sleep in past 5:20 a.m.
5. Go to bed past 9:00 p.m.
6. Work out in the morning
7. Talk lease stuff with our apartment building... looks like we might be staying put for now, moving is such a pain- so if we can avoid it.. I think I'm good with that!
8. Go on a sushi date with the hubby- thank you Living Social deal!
9. Grade none of the papers I brought home (there's always tomorrow... that's what I keep telling myself).
10. Clean out my closet and drawers for things to get rid of in the garage sale mom and I are having this summer.
Yeah... it was good! And those are definitely butterflies made out of carrots.

The weather has been less than favorable. Today has been the nicest day so far. However, its supposed to rain again tomorrow.
We're heading home tomorrow night for Easter and then again next weekend for Brandy and Baby Kayleigh's shower. :)
I can't believe how fast this year is going... almost May- WOW!

Monday, April 11, 2011

♫ They Say Its Your Birthday... ♫

April means birthdays to me.... and lots of them!
Last weekend my family threw my grandma a surprise 80th birthday party, we had a blast! This past December her beloved little teacup poodle, Mariah passed away. So, we all decided to chip in towards "the puppy fund" as her present; she will soon have a four legged addition to her house. :)
Shannon made her this awesome DVD of pictures... she actually uploaded them to Walgreens, and they did an awesome job if anyone is ever in need of a picture slideshow/ movie.

Below are some pictures from the day.

Another fabulous cake. This is from the same place that did the baby shower. Again, all they took in was a napkin.... so cool!
Posing with her mega-wine glass. haha
It literally took 4 tries to get a picture- I was cracking up!
Oh yes, and that is definitely boxed wine in our cups!

After the party Al and I decided to take a stroll over to the lake. We don't take advantage of our location enough. This is a picture from the North Avenue Beach. I managed to get all three of the big ones: Hancock, Trump, and Willis (Sears).

My lovely "Little Mermaid" themed cake from my student's mother. She is sooo sweet to me. It was chocolate, vanilla, with a strawberry center. Yum-O!!

To celebrate my day, Alex took me out to dinner and he got me a fancy bottle of perfume. Ooh, la, la. I got a lot of phone calls, cards in the mail, and my students really made a big deal out of it at school. It was a great way to welcome in the other half of my twenties.

Happy early birthday to both Brandy and Rox! It is definitely a full month.

Spring break is in one more week.... I'm really in need of a little R and R.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Here She Is...

Last weekend Alex and I went home to meet Baby Nora. We are so happy and excited for Jake and Rox and the journey they have just begun. Nora is absolutely precious and we can't wait until the next time we can visit.
We were definitely broken in to the daily occurrences of a new born. Jake and Rox were incredibly patient and laughed through every little (or not so little) thing she threw at them. They were great!
At one point Nora was having a little bit of break down over something and Jake was holding her and trying to calm her down. The way she looked at him and was immediately soothed... I seriously almost cried! They're definitely getting the hang of their new role.

They've already nicknamed her "Squeak" because of all of the little noises she makes.


Passing her off.

She stayed here for over an hour. I started to get a little jealous and had to ask for her back! haha :)

Thanks for having us down Standefords! We cannot wait to do it again!